Thursday, June 12, 2008

Navagraha Mandir, Assam, IN

Deities: Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu, Ketu
Known As: Navagraha (Nine Planets)
Location: Citracala, Guwahati, Kamrup District, Assam
Best time to Visit: Best to check with Kamrup District office, Assam

The temple of Navagrahas is situated in the south-eastern part of the Guwahati town on the crest’ of a hill known as Citracala. The temple contains nine phallic emblems of Shiva covered with cloths of different colours sacred to the nine planetary gods, namely, Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru or Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (Dragon’s head) and Ketu (Dragon’s tail).

The Navagrahas or the nine planets are thus represented in the Shastras:-

"Surya’s great chariot has one wheel and is drawn by seven horses; he has a lotus in each hand, wears armour and has a shield over his breast, has beautiful straight hair, and is surrounded by a halo of light.”

"Chandra is represented in white colour, clothed in white garment, surrounded by a halo and adorned with ornaments and garland of all sorts of flowers.”

"Mangal is represented in fire-like red colour, clothed in red garments, seated upon Simhasana, with three arms bearing Gada, Shula, Shakti weapons and as one in an Abhaya or Varada pose.”

"Budha is represented in yellow colour, clothed in yellow garment, with three arms bearing Khadga, Khetaka, Gada and one in Varada pose.”

"Brihaspati is represented in yellow colour, clothed in golden yellow garments with three arms bearing Kamandalam, Aksamala, Danda and one in Varada pose. Sometimes this planet is represented with two arms having a Pustaka and an Aksamala.”

"Shukra is represented in white colour, clothed in white garments, having four arms and bearing the same weapons as Brihaspati. Just like him it is sometimes represented with two hands bearing Nidhi (treasure) and Pustaka.”

"Shani is represented in black colour, clothed in black garments, small in stature and somewhat lame in one leg. He has two arms bearing a Danda and an Aksamala and sometimes one in Varada pose.”

"Rahu is represented on a Simhasana or a silver chariot drawn by eight horses. According to some it possesses four arms, three of which bear Khadga, Khetaka, Shula and one in Varada pose and sometimes he possesses two arms carrying a book, a woollen.”

"Ketu is represented in dark colour having two arms in Abhaya pose and a Gada, and sometimes on a chariot drawn by ten horses."

Visit for more information on Vedic indian astrology and Moon signs.

The present temple of Navagrahas was built during the time of King Rajesvar Singh in 1752 A.D. The upper part (Sikharam) of the temple was destroyed by the great earthquake and was rebuilt with corrugated iron-sheet. The Garbhagriha, built of brick, however, exists. Regular worship is carried on by the votaries even at present.

In 1753 A.D. King Rajesvar Singh also excavated a tank at little distance from the temple of Navagrahas so that the temple goers might have an easy and perennial supply of water. The tank, known as Silpukhuri, continues to be as full of water as it doing was when it was first excavated and sup plies water daily to the needy.

A stone inscription fixed on the walls of the temple records the construction of the same by Tarun Duarah, under the orders of King Rajesvar Singh. The temple was consecrated to the Navagrahas in 1674 Saka Era (1752 A.D.). K. L. Barua thinks that this temple is the origin of the name Pragjyotisa Pura or the City of Eastern Astrology as Assam was called in the early period.

Visit for more information on Temples, Ashrams, Gurus, Festival and Daily Panchangam (Hindu ephemeris).

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